Page 22 - TTMNSummer2024
P. 22

        Page 22                                                                                                Electronic Edition:

                   RAHS Auto Shop Provides Career Experience and Affordable Services

                                            but others open to all grades. He said, “[the   Although  these  services  are  relatively
                                            RAHS auto mechanics course] is a student-  cheap, Sopcinski acknowledged a potential
                                            run  program,  open  to  juniors  and  seniors,   downside is the time it takes to repair the car.
                                            no  experience  required,  but  sophomores   He said, “Our motto is we are cheap, but we
                                            need to take small engines to take the auto   are slow. It is expensive to f x a car regard-
                                            mechanic  class.  We  need  a  level  of  matu-  less,  but  for  example  our  front  brake  job,
                                            rity  in  the  classroom,  and  that’s  the  entire   a  pretty  standard  service,  comes  out  to  be
                                            reason  I  have  the  auto  mechanic  classes   $240-280, but you bring it to a professional,
                                            open  to  juniors  and  seniors,  but  Roseville   it’s going to come out to $480, but we will
                                            [Area High School] has one of the best auto   need the car for two days. Like I said, we
                                            shops in the country, which is great for the   are cheap but slow, but it is ⅓ cheaper as a
                                            students.”                          whole.”
                                               To learn about cars, RAHS students can   Business  for  the  auto  shop  ranges,  as
                                            take  Know  Your  Car,  Small  Engines,  and   Sopcinski sees how many cars his students   said, “We really like to get more girls in our
                                            Auto  Mechanic,  which  can  go  up  to Auto   can  handle.  He  said,  “I  try  and  get  just   classes, but we are trying to do what they do
                                            Mechanics Five.                     enough, I mean if Channel 4 news wanted   in woodshop classes and try to run a girls’
                                               There is a process for training students   to do a story here, that would be great but   only class, if girls sign up. If you look at my
                                            before  they  start  working  on  customer’s   I know my phone would be ringing off the   roster, it will be all boys and maybe one or
                                            cars.  Sopcinski  said,  “My  auto  mechanics   hook, and we can’t service that many cars,   two girls, and I don’t blame them.”
                                            one class is primarily training for the trimes-  so  I  keep  it  to  community  members,  and   RAHS auto shop has a Facebook, called
                                            ter,  and  [student  mechanics]  aren’t  going   people in the ISD 623 area.”  Raider Auto Shop, where they post updates
        Roseville Area Schools              to go into the shop until the last few weeks   The  benef ts  of  taking  these  classes   and  pictures,  check  them  out  here:  https://
                                            of the trimester.”  After students train, they   range from being educated in car knowledge
            RAHS auto shop, running now for three   can jump back into working on cars after a   to  f nding  a  career  in  this  area.  Sopcinski   This  article  was  written  by  Naima
        years, provides services on cars of Roseville’s   review of safety procedures.  said, “It depends on what their goals are. I   Sheikh-Mohamed,  Editor-in-Chief  for  The
        students and community members, for reduced   The  RAHS  Auto  Shop  offers  light  to   have had students who take this and realize   Ville (Roseville High School Student News-
        prices–  by  having  trained  students  work  on   medium  maintenance  and  repairs  on  auto-  they really didn’t know what they wanted to   paper)
        them.                               mobiles.  These  services,  as  Sopcinski  said   do in life, and they did this and they loved it
            Teacher Kenneth Sopcinski teaches stu-  include:  oil  changes,  brakes  and  suspen-  and wanted to do it.”
        dents about cars in many different classes at   sions, coolant changes, and tire services, or   Sopcinski  f nds  it  hard  promoting  his
        RAHS,  some  open  to  only  upperclassmen
                                            any light that pops on the dashboard.  classes  to  female-identifying  students.  He

        Putting Students in the Driver’s Seat

        Continued from Page 17

        and  updated  hoists,
        Hunter   WinAlign
        Alignment  machine,
        a Pro-Cut X15 on-car
        brake lathe, a Hunter
        tire changer, a Hunter
        Smartweight   tire
        balancer  and  many
        other  new  pieces  of
        equipment.   These
        new  pieces  of  equip-
        ment  will  allow  the
        automotive  curricu-
        lum  that  is  offered
        to  students  to  be
        expanded  and  allow
        for  increased  student
        agency,  as  students
        will  be  able  to  focus
        on  areas  of  the  vehicle  that  interest  them   viduals that helped throughout this process.
        the  most.  The  cutting-edge  technology   Because of everyone’s support, we are truly
        and  lab  design  will  offer  an  even  more   growing the technicians of tomorrow!”
        real-world  industry  feel,  mimicking  the
        inner-workings of an automotive shop.
            “This is a really exciting time for our
        automotive students. They will have access
        to top of the line equipment that will help
        them  leave  this  program  prepared  for  a
        career  in  our  local  automotive  industry,”
        said Doescher. “Thank you to all of the indi-
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