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Teaching Today Minnesota | Summer/Back to School 2024 Career Pathways — Agriculture Page 21
Concrete Industry Management
The Bachelor of Science in Concrete Industry Management (CIM)
This unique program balances STEM + business curriculum, real-world
experience, and concrete technology to prepare experts and innovators
for roles that manage operations, HR, marketing, accounting, logistics,
environmental, chemical innovation, sales, etc. in the multibillion-dollar, A Future You Can
global concrete industry responsible for producing the most used building
material in the world. Build On
Business, marketing, communication, and others with generalized majors
are competing for jobs, and that competition is driving down wages.
Majoring in CIM and minoring in an enjoyable area of study means an
affordable, full 4-year college experience and career after graduation.
Under Graduate
CIM Professionals
Know More & Owe Less After Graduation!
World of Concrete — Las Vegas, NV
Scholarship Packages & In-state Tuition: WI, MN, ND, NE, IA, IL, CO, WY, MT, KS & MO.
9 Low-to-no debt degree as CIM patron and industry sponsors offer
generous scholarships to signif cantly offset the cost of tuition.
9 CIM student life includes all expense paid travel, special events, and
connections to work opportunities before and after graduation.
9 SDSU is home to one of only f ve CIM programs in the United States.
9 Graduates enjoy nearly 100% job placement with most receiving
multiple job offers.
9 Prepares CIM graduates to hire into available management roles and
start at higher salaries than most engineering graduates.
Vanderbilt-Mizzou Football Game — Nashville, TN
*Statistic from Middle Tennessee State University
Create your career path into a multibillion-dollar, global industry — Enroll in CIM today!
Contact: Jennifer Manatt
CIM Assistant Program Director
Concrete Industry Management Program
Brookings, SD
(319) 721.3931 |