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Teaching Today Minnesota | Winter 2025 Page 21
Celebrating Ashley Wolf, A Champion of Education & Student Empowerment
Math Teacher, Plainview-Elgin-Millville From the very first day of school, Mrs. supportive you are with them, the more posi- profound principles of kindness and respect.
Public Schools Wolf makes it her mission to know her stu- tive learning environment you’re creating “Obviously, you’re not going use the Pythago-
2024 South Zone MREA Educator of dents, not just as learners but as individuals. for those kids,” she notes. This philosophy rean Theorem every day,” she admits, “but it’s
Excellence She begins the year with a thoughtful ques- not only strengthens their academic abilities more about critical thinking, problem-solving,
tionnaire, seeking to understand their interests, but nurtures their confidence and well-being, and basic human kindness—opening the door
aspirations, and activities. This is more than a fostering an atmosphere where learning and for somebody, saying please and thank you.”
simple icebreaker; it’s the foundation of her personal growth thrive. These are the lessons that extend beyond
teaching approach. By tailoring her lessons Mrs. Wolf’s influence isn’t confined to her school walls, shaping students into thoughtful,
and conversations to what resonates with her math classes. She teaches a range of subjects, capable individuals.
students, Mrs. Wolf demonstrates that she sees including Algebra II, Geometry, and Introduc- Today, we honor Ashley Wolf for her
them and values their voices. “I love just inter- tion to Statistics, and serves as an integral part tireless dedication, compassion, and transfor-
acting with the kids,” she says. “I think that’s of the student council. Her leadership not only mative teaching. She is not only a teacher but
probably one of my favorite parts. I love being enriches these programs but also cultivates an inspiration—proving that the greatest edu-
able to make a difference in their lives.” student leadership, encouraging them to step cators do more than teach; they empower.
Her students feel this dedication deeply. out of their comfort zones and work collab- Congratulations Mrs. Wolf on being
One student shared, “Mrs. Wolf makes me oratively. One student described her as “an named a 2024 MREA Educator of Excellence
feel like we matter in her classroom and that inspiration to get out of your comfort zone and in the South Zone. Mrs. Wolf was honored
we all have a place. She makes you feel just work with people who you don’t even know.” and celebrated in November at the MREA
very uplifted.” Another highlighted her tireless Colleagues are quick to praise Mrs. Greater Education Summit at Cragun’s Resort
commitment: “She will work with you until Wolf’s dedication, calling her a beacon of in Brainerd.
In the world of teaching, there are edu- you get it 110%.” It’s no wonder her classroom what makes rural education in Minnesota
cators who impart knowledge, and then there is filled with positive energy; Mrs. Wolf greets exceptional. Her passion for teaching, deep
are those who inspire transformation. Ashley every student with a warm welcome, ensuring understanding of her subject, and empathetic
Wolf, a math teacher at Plainview-Elgin- that each one feels seen and supported from approach make her a role model for students
Millville (PEM) Public Schools exemplifies the moment they walk through the door. and peers alike. “She cares about her stu-
the latter. A cornerstone of her school commu- Beyond her engaging classroom, Mrs. dents. She understands the value in education Recommended watch! See a video about Mrs.
nity and a leader in the math department, Mrs. Wolf dedicates time to creating an inclusive and math education specifically,” PEM High Wolf at
Wolf’s impact extends far beyond equations and accessible environment. She sets aside School Principal Mike Walton shares.
and test scores—she fosters a sense of belong- time before and after school and even sac- Mrs. Wolf’s teaching goes beyond formu- Article and photo courtesy of the Minnesota
ing, resilience, and lifelong skills in each of rifices her own preparation periods to help las and theories. She instills critical thinking, Rural Education Association — https://www.
her students. students who need extra support. “The more problem-solving skills, and the simple yet
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MEGT After Hours Programming (Sunday evening)
Keynote Speaker Networking with colleagues from around the state
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MEGT Midwinter Conference | February 2-3 | Best Western Kelly Inn | St. Cloud, MN