Page 24 - TTMNSummer2024
P. 24

        Page 24                                                                                                Electronic Edition:

                   Highwood Hills Elementary Principal Dr. Fatima Lawson Named Minnesota

                   2024 NAESP National Distinguished Principal

                                            notable  achievements,  Dr.  Lawson  spear-  work  and  dedication  that  many  people  have   Principals Association (MESPA) for 23 years.
                                            headed a remarkable turnaround at Highwood   put into making this day happen. Together, we   Throughout  her  long-standing  membership,
                                            Hill Polytechnic Elementary School, leading   are  shaping  tomorrow’s  leaders,  innovators,   Dr. Lawson has been a steadfast advocate for
                                            the school out of corrective action and achiev-  and changemakers. This award is certainly for   the advancement of education and the empow-
                                            ing  notable  success  in  student  achievement.   all of us. I am only the guardian of the trophy.”  erment of educational leaders across the state.
                                            She did this by having intentional conversa-  Duane  Dutrieuille,  principal  of  Hazel   For  the  past  3  years,  she  has  served  as  the
                                            tions with the three major groups of families   Park Elementary School, and the person who   Legislative  Chair,  leveraging  her  expertise
                                            that  represented  about  90%  of  the  student   nominated  Dr.  Lawson,  commented,  “Dr.   and passion to shape legislative priorities and
                                            population.  The  Somali  families,  represent-  Lawson’s advocacy and proactive measures to   advocate  for  policies  that  support  the  needs
                                            ing  about  40%  of  the  student  body,  wanted   address issues of diversity, equity and inclu-  of students, educators, and schools. Dr. Law-
                                            their students to become doctors, lawyers or   sion  have  resulted  in  tangible  and  positive   son’s  unwavering  commitment  to  MESPA’s
                                            engineers.  The  Karen  families,  representing   changes,”  said  Dutrieuille.  “She  has  worked   mission has been instrumental in driving posi-
                                            about 30% of the student body, wanted their   tirelessly to ensure that every student, regard-  tive change within the educational landscape,
                                            students to learn the science of agriculture and   less  of  their  background,  has  access  to  a   embodying the spirit of leadership and service
                                            animal husbandry. The Latinx families, repre-  high-quality education. Her work in this area   that def nes the association’s members.
            The Minnesota Elementary School Princi-  senting about 20% of the student body, wanted   is not only commendable but serves as a model   Michelle   Krell,   MESPA’s   execu-
        pals Association (MESPA) proudly announces   their students to learn something more hands-  for other educational leaders to follow.”  tive  director  aff rmed,  “Dr.  Fatima  Lawson
        the  recognition  of  Dr.  Fatima  Lawson,   on,  hoping  their  students  would  go  into  the   Bret  Domstrand,  principal  of  Lake   exemplif es  transformative  leadership,  dem-
        Principal of Highwood Hill Polytechnic Ele-  trades and eventually take over family busi-  Marion Elementary, NAESP state representa-  onstrating unwavering dedication to fostering
        mentary  School,  St.  Paul  Public  Schools,  as   nesses. After this input, Dr. Lawson and her   tive  and  chair  of  the  National  Distinguished   meaningful connections, fostering innovation,
        the recipient of the prestigious 2024 National   leadership  team  came  up  with  a  three-track   Principal  selection  committee  maintained,  “I   and championing the future of every student
        Distinguished  Principals’ Award. This  award   program, called, “The Polytechnic Program.”   am immensely proud of the caliber of leader-  and  family  under  her  care.  Fatima  has  been
        is  presented  by  the  National Association  for   The  tracks  include  technology,  engineering   ship demonstrated by all three f nalists. Each   an active and supportive member of MESPA
        Elementary  School  Principals  (NAESP)  and   and agriculture.         candidate  presented  exemplary  qualif cations   (Minnesota  Elementary  School  Principals’
        MESPA. Dr. Lawson’s outstanding leadership,   “This award means a lot to not only me,   and  a  profound  commitment  to  educational   Association) and has gained high respect from
        innovative  initiatives,  and  unwavering  com-  but to the entire generation of African immi-  excellence.  Ultimately,  Dr.  Fatima  Lawson’s   her colleagues. This acknowledgment signif es
        mitment to educational excellence have earned   grants,  and  those  who  believe  that  earning   exceptional  achievements,  innovative  initia-  Fatima’s exceptional leadership qualities and
        her this esteemed accolade.         such  a  recognition  is  far-fetched,  regardless   tives, and unwavering dedication set her apart,   notable achievements as a principal. We take
            Dr.  Lawson’s  remarkable  journey  as   of one’s hard work and dedication,” ref ected   earning  her  the  well-deserved  honor  of  the   great pride in her representation of MESPA as
        a  principal  is  characterized  by  transforma-  Dr.  Lawson.  “Coming  from  a  very  humble   2024  NAESP  National  Distinguished  Princi-  our National Distinguished Principal.”
        tive accomplishments that have signif cantly   background  educationally,  who  would  have   pals’ Award.”    Dr. Lawson extends her gratitude, “From
        impacted  the  educational  landscape  and   thought that I would one day be named among   Dr.  Fatima  Lawson’s  commitment   my staff colleagues at Highwood Hills, to the
        the  lives  of  countless  students,  educators,   America’s  top  educational  leaders?  I  am   extends  beyond  her  exemplary  leadership  in   families,  students,  and  community  members
        and  community  members. Among  her  most   certainly humbled and do not take this recog-  her building; she has also been an invaluable
                                            nition  for  granted,  as  this  validates  the  hard   member of the Minnesota Elementary School   Continued on Page 25

                     MHS Career Academy’s Heigaard Earns Statewide Teaching Award

        Moorhead Area Public Schools                                                                               management program for high school students.
            The  Minnesota  Association  for  Career                                                                   Not only has Heigaard grown the program
        and Technical Education has named Johanna                                                                  in terms of numbers, with 33 students enrolled
        Heigaard,  a  Family  and  Consumer  Services                                                              this year and 90 already registered for 2024-
        teacher at the Moorhead High School Career                                                                 25,  but  she  has  also  worked  to  improve  the
        Academy,  the  2023-24  New  Teacher  of  the                                                              learning experience for her students. She has
        Year for the State of Minnesota. Awarded to                                                                developed industry connections in the region,
        teachers with less than f ve years’ experience                                                             engaging  local  businesses  to  provide  real-
        in career and technical education (CTE), the                                                               world learning opportunities and internships.
        honor recognizes teachers who have made sig-                                                                   In addition to her work with the culinary
        nif cant  contributions  toward  innovative  and                                                           program, Heigaard also teaches classes such as
        unique CTE programs.                                                                                       International Foods and Food Basics.
            “Being  honored  as  the  MnACTE  New                                                                      As  the  winner  of  this  year’s  MACTE
        Teacher  of  the  year  is  incredibly  humbling                                                           award  for  Minnesota,  she  is  the  state’s
        and I’m so grateful,” said Heigaard. “Having                                                               nominee for the regional New Teacher of the
        the chance to share my culinary passion with                                                               Year award. Minnesota is in Region III, which
        my students while empowering them through                                                                  also includes Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri
        education is surreal. I’m very thankful to the                                                             and  Wisconsin.  Regional  winners  become
        Moorhead  school  district  and  community   sional  with  the  West  Fargo  School  District.   said Career Academy assistant principal Holly   f nalists for the national award, which will be
        for seeing the positive benef ts of the Career   She  leads  the  Career  Academy’s  culinary   Strand-Rysgaard. “That includes launching the   announced in December.
        Academy model and their continued support   program,  which  she  helped  start  during  the   culinary  program,  working  to  get  it  ProStart
        of CTE.”                            2022-23 school year.               certif ed  and  expanding  the  program  coming
            Heigaard is in her second year as a FACS   “Johanna has been a very bright light in   into its second year.”
        teacher  with  Moorhead Area  Public  Schools   the FACS department who has been willing to   ProStart  is  a  national  two-year,  indus-
        after  spending  three  years  as  a  paraprofes-  take on anything that’s been thrown at her,”   try-backed  culinary  arts  and  restaurant
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