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        Teaching Today Minnesota | Summer/Back to School 2024  STEM/Transportation                                                            Page 19

            OF OUR MINNESOTA

            TUITION FREE

            ALMOST $1.5 MILLION IN

                              SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE

            Explore the                                                                                                  Auto Body Repair &
                                                                                                                       Refishing Technology
            100+ academic options at NDSCS

            and go from college to career in two years

            for a fraction of the cost of a

            four-year university.

             the full student

             life experience in

             Wahpeton with residence
             halls, athletics, clubs,

             events and more!

                                                               THE                                                 Architectural Modeling &
                                                               WAY TO COLLEGE                                             Design Technology

                                                                                                          Information based on 2023 NDSCS data.
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