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        Teaching Today Minnesota | Winter 2025                                                                                                Page 19

                   The Role of Tech Inside the Classroom

                                                                                est learners spend time exploring different   program robots fit for their grade level, and
                                                                                materials like legos and blocks and discov-  the Computer Science for Innovators and
                                                                                ering Bee-Bots, introductory programmable   Makers class for seventh graders where they
                                                                                robots. This year, first graders will discover a   learn to program microprocessors. “Right
                                                                                new Project Lead the Way (PLTW) module on   now we don’t have enough microprocessors
                                                                                the sun, moon, and stars, observing patterns   for every student to get one, so we’re having
                                                                                and building a foundation of understanding   to run simulations that they then test out. It’s
                                                                                of space. By the time they’re in fourth grade,   less hands-on, and they don’t necessarily get
                                                                                students use the  TinkerCAD application to   the full experience,” Seehusen said.
                                                                                get creative designing their own objects, then   The essential need for up-to-date tech-
                                                                                see them come to life through 3D printing,   nology lies not just in robotics and computer
                                                                                advancing their design skills as they get more   science, but in access to basic devices like
                                                                                comfortable with the technology.   those in BCS Career Exploration and Work
                                                                                   PLTW/STEAM     Teacher  Camille  Teacher  Rachel  Jorgensen’s  classroom.
                                                                                Primoli expressed her excitement for these   Her students rely on technology to conduct
                                                                                learning opportunities, including what’s  in   college and career research, engage with
                                                                                store for fifth graders. “We do a water unit   virtual guest speakers, and prepare for their
                                                                                in fifth grade where they build a water filter   futures. Jorgensen also hosts classroom time
                                                                                and  research  different  ways  to  filter  water,   for a new certified nursing program offered
                                                                                gaining a deep understanding of the water   by  Brooklyn  Center  High School this  year
                                                                                cycle,” Primoli shared. One of the biggest   in partnership with a local technical college.
            A fifth grader teaches kindergarteners about Bee-Bots at Brooklyn Center Elementary.
                                                                                sources  of  excitement  for  fifth  graders,   The program has a hybrid model, and seven-
        Brooklyn Center Community Schools   introducing them to various types of technol-  however, is their Battle Bots unit. While Bee-  teen BCHS students attend class virtually for
            Technology has found its way into just   ogy and using tech as a tool for learning in   Bots lay the groundwork for kindergarteners,   a part of the week, then attend on site at the
        about every corner of our lives, becom-  the classroom.                 fifth graders will program Sphero robots and   technical college.
        ing an inevitable tool to learn how to   This technology introduction begins   code them to connect to remote controls.   “If the technology isn’t up to par, we
        navigate. Brooklyn Center Community   at Brooklyn Center Elementary as students   They’ll learn how to make their robot’s name   leave our students behind because they aren’t
        Schools remains committed to preparing our   use iPads as a classroom tool, discover 3D   scroll across a screen, design an arena, and   able to access the most relevant resources
        students for the ever-changing world ahead,   printers, and learn how to code. The young-  take their robots to battle. Primoli empha-  and learn the tech skills that make them com-
                                                                                sized the importance of teachers having what   petitive and viable,” said Jorgensen.
                                                                                they need to be able to use the technology   “There are tons of tech-related careers
        Minnesota Finalists Chosen for Presidential                             and keeping these resources up-to-date and   available just waiting for our students, and a
                                                                                available for licensed staff to guide students
                                                                                                                   high demand in these industries, but unless
        Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and                                and provide technology literacy.   our kids know about them and get introduced
                                                                                   BCS PLTW Gateway Teacher D. Carlos
                                                                                                                   to them, they will never know what is out
                                                                                Seehusen echoed this sentiment. “We have   there,” said Seehusen. “Unless we have the
        Science Teaching                                                        so many opportunities for students to explore   technology available  for them to explore,
                                                                                things in the classroom as long as we can   they’ll never know about it or have the
            The Minnesota Department of Education   recognizes  around 100 exemplary  teachers   provide the materials,” he said. “This sets   opportunity to try it out.”
        (MDE) is pleased to announce that six Min-  each year.                  them up for a lot of success in the future,
        nesota teachers have been selected as 2024   The award recognizes teachers who have   but it’s entirely dependent on us having the
        finalists for the Presidential Awards for Excel-  deep content knowledge of the subjects they   funding to provide these classes.” Seehusen
        lence  in Mathematics  and Science  Teaching   teach and the ability to motivate and enable   shared about the Automation and Robotics
        (PAEMST).                           students to succeed in those areas. The award   class for sixth graders where they build and
            The Minnesota finalists are:    is administered by the National  Science
                                            Foundation on behalf of the  White House
        Mathematics                         Office of Science and Technology Policy.
        Kristin Cayo, Eden Prairie Schools, Forest   The finalists represent the most outstand-
           Hills Elementary School          ing teachers Minnesota has to offer, and they
        Sarah Donovan, Anoka-Hennepin Schools,   serve  as both  a  model  and an  inspiration  to
           Hamilton Elementary School       fellow teachers. 2024 Minnesota finalists will
        Mark Nechanicky, Albert Lea Area Schools,   be recognized informally during STEM day at
           Lakeview Elementary School       the Minnesota State Fair, and formally during
                                            the Minnesota Council of Teachers of Math-
        Science                             ematics conference and the Minnesota Science
        Krista Wyvell-Fink, Anoka-Hennepin   Teachers Association conference.
           Schools, Rum River Elementary School  Teachers who  are selected as PAEMST
        Kelly Gibson, Saint Paul Public Schools,   awardees receive a trip to Washington, D.C.,
           Battle Creek Elementary School   where they attend a series of recognition
        Deanne Trottier, Pequot Lakes Schools,   events and professional development opportu-
                                            nities. They also receive a $10,000 award from
           Eagle View Elementary School
                                            NSF, a Presidential certificate and join an elite
            The  PAEMST are  the  highest  honors   cohort of award-winning teachers who can
        bestowed by the U.S. government specifically   influence  STEM  teaching  in  Minnesota  and
        for K-12 science, technology, engineering, and   nationwide.
        mathematics teaching. The awards were estab-  For more information  about PAEMST,
        lished by Congress in 1983 and the President   visit   BCHS students begin their on site classes for the certified nursing program.
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