Page 26 - TTMNFall2024
P. 26
Page 26 Electronic Edition:
Mahtomedi’s Teacher of the Year Builds Connection for Impactful Student Learning
the Year at Mahtomedi Public Schools, is a
beloved teacher and leader with a reputation
for being an impactful mentor to others. The
kindergarten team at Wildwood Elementary
School describes her as “welcoming, kind, for-
ward-thinking, and a leader who is respected
by her team and her colleagues.”
Ms. Mathies has taught kindergarten at
Mahtomedi Public Schools for 30 years. Her
educational background includes a Bachelor of
Science degree from St. Cloud State university
and a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction.
One of the education initiatives she is most
proud of being a part of was being on the initial
team of teachers who implemented full-day
kindergarten at Mahtomedi Public Schools. She
notes that receiving the Mahtomedi Teacher of
the Year for 2023-24 has made her “feel valued ment as a critical component of teaching. She work in a school district where the community
and honored for the work I do.” shared, “To be effective at that, students need is involved and supportive of the schools.”
Building a solid academic and social- to feel accepted, cared for, and have a sense Mahtomedi Public Schools covers
Mahtomedi Public Schools emotional foundation for students with a strong of belonging. Building relationships with my approximately 28 square miles including the
classroom community is key to Mathies’ teach-
“These young learners need that caring ing philosophy. “As a kindergarten teacher, I students is the key to being able to meet that east shore of White Bear Lake and serves Will-
touch to help them know that they matter. get to build a strong educational foundation need. This is something that I enjoy and our ernie, Mahtomedi, Dellwood, Pine Springs,
This has lifelong impacts on people. To feel for young minds, which is very rewarding,” classroom reaps the benefits of it every day. and portions of Hugo, Lake Elmo, Grant, and
included, important, and that they belong, she said. “It is a fulfilling job, and I love When students feel like they have a connec- White Bear Lake.
will set the tone for successful emotional and seeing the progress that each child makes tion with their teacher, it demonstrates to them
human development. That starts with Kinder- throughout the year, both socially and Mathies that they are cared for, acknowledged, and an
garten. That starts with me.” working with students academically.” Mathies important part of our classroom.”
Mathies shared this about working at
Lisa Mathies, the 2023-–4 Teacher of sees building a positive classroom environ- Mahtomedi Public Schools, “I feel blessed to
Minnesota Schools of Excellence Continued from Page 23
Southview Elementary in that every member of our school community Voyager Elementary in because they create a culture of continuous
improvement and collaboration, ensuring that
thrives academically and socially.” This focus
Apple Valley, MN on meaningful parental engagement matters Alexandria, MN every educator is equipped to meet the diverse
because it builds a strong, collaborative commu- needs of students. By prioritizing professional
Led by Principal Christine Evans Led by Principal Dana Christenson
nity that supports student success. By valuing growth and reflective practices, Voyager not
and incorporating diverse perspectives, South- only enhances teacher effectiveness but also
view creates an inclusive environment where fosters an environment where students can
every family feels connected and invested in thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
the educational process, ultimately leading to “In education, it’s tempting to rest on
improved outcomes for all students. the status quo, but in today’s ever-changing
“This recognition is a testament to the world, it’s important to assess where we are
dedication, hard work, and collaboration of and how we might improve,” reflected Dana
our entire school community. We have worked Christenson, principal of Voyager Elementary.
diligently to gather feedback from families, “The SOE Program provides a research-based
students, and staff to assess where we are process to do just that. The process helped
and to make thoughtful plans for continuous us identify and celebrate strengths and target
improvement,” said Christine Evans, Princi- growth areas. All staff - custodians, secretaries,
pal of Southview Elementary. “This award is kitchen staff, paraprofessionals, and teachers -
a reflection of the unwavering commitment of are hard working, dedicated and committed to
Southview Elementary stood out for how our teachers, the enthusiasm and hard work of Voyager stood out for embodying learner- students. This award recognizes them for their
it continuously seeks to engage all parents as our students, and the incredible support from centered leadership. As they reflected in their hard work, their care for students, and their
equal partners in supporting student learning our families. We are so proud of what we have application, “First, we have excellent coaches investment in their craft.”
and growth. In their application, they reflected, accomplished together, and this recognition is who meet regularly with teachers to work
“...we actively involve diverse perspectives in a powerful reminder of what we can achieve on the implementation of curricula, reflect
decision-making processes through forums such when we work as a team. At Southview, we together on successes and challenges, and
as the PTO, Superintendent’s Parent Group, and strive to provide the best possible education for even set up peer observations when necessary.
PBIS Team. Additionally, our staff led parent every student.” Second, we offer meaningful and relevant
classes, such as the Building Strong Families professional development, such as collective
series, based on principles from the book 7 teacher efficacy, restorative practices, and For more information go to https://www.
Habits of Highly Effective Families, fostering a trauma awareness. Third, our Professional
strong partnership between school and home. At Learning Communities are a means for teams
Southview Elementary, we leverage diversity as to examine data, reflect, and learn from each
a catalyst for growth and inclusion, ensuring other and coaches.” These practices matter