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        Teaching Today Minnesota | Winter 2025                                                                                                Page 17

                   RAHS Auto Shop Provides Career Experience and Affordable Services

                                            RAHS auto mechanics course] is a student-  cheap, Sopcinski acknowl-
                                            run program, open to juniors and seniors,   edged a potential downside is
                                            no experience required, but sophomores   the time it takes to repair the
                                            need to take small engines to take the auto   car. He said, “Our motto is we
                                            mechanic class.  We need a level of matu-  are cheap, but we are slow.
                                            rity in the classroom, and that’s the entire   It  is  expensive  to  fix  a  car
                                            reason I have  the auto mechanic  classes   regardless, but for example
                                            open to juniors and seniors, but Roseville   our  front  brake  job,  a  pretty
                                            [Area High School] has one of the best auto   standard service, comes out
                                            shops in the country, which is great for the   to be $240-280, but you bring
                                            students.”                          it to a professional, it’s going
                                                To learn about cars, RAHS students can   to come out to $480, but we
                                            take Know  Your Car, Small Engines, and   will need the car for two days.
                                            Auto Mechanic, which can go up to Auto   Like I said, we are cheap but
                                            Mechanics Five.                     slow, but it is ⅓ cheaper as a
                                                There is a process for training students   whole.”
                                            before they start working on customer’s   Business for the auto
                                            cars. Sopcinski said, “My auto mechanics   shop ranges, as Sopcinski sees how many   classes, but we are trying to do what they do
                                            one class is primarily training for the trimes-  cars his students can handle. He said, “I try   in woodshop classes and try to run a girls’
                                            ter, and [student mechanics] aren’t going   and get just enough, I mean if Channel 4   only class, if girls sign up. If you look at my
                                            to go into the shop until the last few weeks   news wanted to do a story here, that would   roster, it will be all boys and maybe one or
                                                                                                                   two girls, and I don’t blame them.”
        Roseville Area Schools              of the trimester.”  After students train, they   be great but I know my phone would be   RAHS auto shop has a Facebook, called
            RAHS  auto shop provides services on   can jump back into working on cars after a   ringing off the hook, and we can’t service   Raider Auto Shop, where they post updates
                                            review of safety procedures.
                                                                                that many cars, so I keep it to community
        cars of Roseville’s students and community   The RAHS  Auto Shop offers light to   members, and people in the ISD 623 area.”  and pictures, check them out here:  https://
        members,  for reduced  prices — by having   medium maintenance and repairs on auto-  The  benefits  of  taking  these  classes
        trained students work on them.      mobiles.  These services, as Sopcinski said   range from being educated in car knowledge   This article was written by Naima
            Teacher Kenneth Sopcinski teaches stu-  include: oil changes, brakes and suspen-  to  finding  a  career  in  this  area.  Sopcinski   Sheikh-Mohamed, Editor-in-Chief for The
        dents about cars in many different classes at   sions, coolant changes, and tire services, or   said, “It depends on what their goals are. I   Ville  (Roseville  High  School  Student  News-
        RAHS, some open to only upperclassmen   any light that pops on the dashboard.  have had students who take this and realize   paper)
        but others open to all grades. He said, “[the
                                                Although these services are relatively   they really didn’t know what they wanted to
                                                                                do in life, and they did this and they loved it
                                                                                and wanted to do it.”
                                                                                   Sopcinski  finds  it  hard  promoting  his
                                                                                classes to female-identifying students. He
                                                                                said, “We really like to get more girls in our

                                                                                Montevideo High School Small

                                                                                Engines Program

                                                                                Continued from Page 1
                                                                                   Our business partner has assisted by   ning career pathway in order to feed their
                                                                                providing quality equipment to update our   workforce needs and was willing to come
                                                                                current small engines shop. They have pro-  alongside us and make an investment.
                                                                                vided guidance on curriculum and were   Our growing district of more than 1,400
                                                                                present in the classroom, hands-on to assist   students  in  grades  PreK-12th  are  served
                                                                                students with technical questions.    in  five  locations;  The  Hawks  Nest  Early
                                                                                   Finding an employer who is inter-  Childhood Center, Ramsey and Sanford Ele-
                                                                                ested in developing their future workforce   mentaries, Montevideo Middle School and
                                                                                is key. The relationship with the school and   Montevideo High School.  These buildings
                                                                                employers must have consistent and open   are home to more than 300 extraordinary
                                                                                communication.  What makes this project   educators whose purpose for coming to
                                                                                successful is that all parties are open to   work each day is to help students achieve
                                                                                doing this differently if it produces the best   their dreams.
                                                                                outcome for the students. For example,
                                                                                mechanics from the dealer coming into the
                                                                                classroom to troubleshoot with students and
                                                                                the teacher being open to changing their cur-
                                                                                riculum and trusting the employer partner.
                                                                                It’s also important to find an employer who
                                                                                has resources and people they are willing to
                                                                                allocate to a project like this. Our partner
                                                                                recognizes the importance of this begin-
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