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        Teaching Today Minnesota | Summer/Back to School 2024                                                                                 Page 25

        Finalists for 2024 Minnesota Teacher of the Year

        On Teacher Appreciation Day, our incredible 2024                             The 2024 Minnesota Teacher of the Year was chosen from a group
        f nalists talked about why they teach.                                   of 11 teachers who were named f nalists in the program. An independent

                                                                                 selection panel of 17 leaders in the areas of education, business, govern-
                                                                                 ment and nonprof ts selected the f nalists from a group of 27 semif nalists.
                                                                                 There were 159 candidates for this program year.
                                                                                     The selection panel met to conduct individual interviews with each of
                                                                                 the 11 f nalists and to cast votes for the 2024 Minnesota Teacher of the
                                                                                 Year. For a look at how the selection process works, go to https://educa-

                  Rachel Betterley                   Rebecca Buck
                                                                                                                       “The best way to create a good Commu-
                 North Woods School,              Gideon Pond Elementary                                           nity is to roll up your sleeves and get messy
                St. Louis County Schools,    Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District                               and  do  the  hard  work.  Growing  up  I  never
                   Visual Arts, 8–12                   Music, K–5                                                  had a teacher who looked like me and I want
            “I  teach  because  I  know  it  takes  one   “I teach to inspire my students to learn                 to  make  sure  that  other  students  don’t  have
        subject  in  school  to  make  a  difference  in  a   and practice empathy and learning about other        that  same  problem.  I  teach  because  at  some
        child’s life. I teach because regardless of our   cultures through the doorway of music educa-             schools, lunch is really good. (hahaha) I teach
        adversities  or  circumstances that  every  child   tion. I teach to model how learning can be so          because  the  kids  and  give  me  all  kinds  of
        deserves to f nd their voice to create to explore   much fun. I teach to encourage group work,   Tracy Byrd  energy. Every single day I learned things from
        by the path of resilience through education. I   social skills, and community building. I teach            them. They teach me as much as I teach them.
        teach to heal not just myself but also the world   to see that joy and spark that they get in their   2024 MN Teacher of the Year   This is why I teach.”
        around me.”                         eyes when they f nally understand a concept or   Washburn High School
                                            singing game or an instrument part. I feel most   Minneapolis Public School         Continued on Page 26
                                            alive when I’m working with my students and   English Language Arts, 9.
                                            that is why I teach.”
                                                                                District Indian Education Teacher Wins Out-

        Dr. Fatima Lawson Continued from Page 24                                standing Elementary Teacher of the Year Award

        that make this award possible; to our district   not  have  come  this  far  without  your  love,          really important for these kids,” Stately said. “I
        leadership,  Dr.  Joe  Gothard,  our  outgoing   understanding, collegiality, guidance, mentor-            just love the elementary age.”
        superintendent; to Dr. Adam Kunz, Assistant   ing and support!”                                                Some of the topics Stately’s students have
        Superintendent  and  my  supervisor,  whose   Dr.  Lawson’s  exemplary  leadership                         engaged  in  this  year  include  learning  about
        leadership has been instrumental in encourag-  serves as an inspiration to educational leaders             native storytelling and how it relates to constel-
        ing and supporting me to dream big things for   across  the  nation,  exemplifying  the  transfor-         lations and animals, traditions of jewelry making
        Highwood Hills; to my principal colleagues at   mative  power  of  collaborative  leadership,              and more.
        SPPS and across the state that supported me   innovative thinking, and a steadfast commit-                     Crest  View  Elementary  School’s  Laura
        and actually showed great examples of lead-  ment to student success.                                      Wagenman nominated Stately for the award.
        ership to emulate; to the MESPA Leadership;                                                                    “Jillian is dedicated to ensuring our students
        and last but certainly not least, to my beloved                                                            in Indian Education feel connection, belonging
        family:  Roger  Lawson,  my  dear  husband,                                                                and  see  their  cultural  gifts,”  Wagenman  said.
        friend,  cheerleader;  my  four  daughters,  my                                                            “She is a creative educator who facilitates hands-
        sons-in-laws, and my six granddaughters. To                                       on  learning  experiences  that  cultivate  joy  and
        all of you, I say a very big thank you! I could                         ISD 279 - Osseo Area Schools       rich cultural ties.”
                                                                                                                       The MIEA conference, where she received
                                                                                   Jillian Stately, an Indian Education teacher   her  award,  had  over  500  attendees  including
        Minnesota Finalists for PAEMST Award                                    for nine of the district’s elementary schools, was   Indian  Education  teachers,  coordinators,  direc-
                                                                                recently  recognized  with  an  Outstanding  Ele-
        Continued from Page 1                                                   mentary Teacher of the Year award at the April   tors,  parents  of  Indian  Education  students,
                                                                                                                   community members and non-Native educators.
                                                                                18  Minnesota  Indian  Education  Association
        Foundation  on  behalf  of  the  White  House   Teachers  who  are  selected  as  PAEMST   (MIEA) conference.  “It  was  an  overwhelming  feeling  of  hap-
        Off ce of Science and Technology Policy.  awardees receive a trip to Washington, D.C.,   Stately serves 140 district students who are   piness to be acknowledged as the teacher of the
            The f nalists represent the most outstand-  where  they  attend  a  series  of  recognition   Native American at nine schools, plans curricu-  year  in  a  room  full  of  educators  that  are  also
        ing teachers Minnesota has to offer, and they   events and professional development opportu-  lum for all elementary sites and meets regularly   doing  amazing  work  in  their  Indian  Education
        serve  as  both  a  model  and  an  inspiration  to   nities. They also receive a $10,000 award from   with groups of students for lessons on cultural   programs across the state,” Stately said. “I am
        fellow teachers. 2024 Minnesota f nalists will   NSF, a Presidential certif cate and join an elite   knowledge, especially with the region’s dominant   grateful and very appreciative for being awarded
        be recognized informally during STEM day at   cohort  of  award-winning  teachers  who  can   Dakota and Ojibwe tribes. While she has worked   for doing this work in our elementary schools.”
        the Minnesota State Fair, and formally during   inf uence  STEM  teaching  in  Minnesota  and   with students at all building levels throughout her
        the Minnesota Council of Teachers of Math-  nationwide.                 six years with the district, she now works exclu-
        ematics conference and the Minnesota Science   For  more  information  about  PAEMST,   sively with elementary-aged students.
        Teachers Association conference.    visit          “Strengthening  their  cultural  identity  is
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