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Career Pathways — Manufacturing
        Teaching Today Minnesota | Spring 2024                                                                                                 Page 9

                  Lakeville South Seniors Organize ‘Breaking Barriers: EmpowHERing Futures’

                  Career Event for 8th–12th Grade Girls

                                                                                School a few years ago.                The  student  organizers  also  mentioned
                                                                                   “As  a  group  of  young  females,  we  felt   how planning this event gave them confidence
                                                                                the  desire  to  inspire  the  younger  generation   in  their  ability  to  bring  people  together  and
                                                                                of girls to explore some career paths they may   create change, even on a small scale.
                                                                                have  not  already  considered,”  said  Sutton.   “So often ‘change’ is seen as something
                                                                                “Even though we have come a long way, there   that  has  to  be  miraculous  and  on  a  massive
                                                                                is still a stigma surrounding women in some   scale,”  said  Sutton.  “This  event  showed  us
                                                                                professions, whether intentional or not.”  that by bringing even a small group of people
                                                                                   The  student  organizers  started  planning   together we could instigate change and inspire
                                                                                this  event  in  the  fall  of  2023  with  support   others even if it wasn’t the biggest event in the
                                                                                from  Lakeville  South  STEM  teacher  Dan   world.”
                                                                                Rawley  and  Century  Middle  School  STEM   The  students  noted  one  of  the  most
                                                                                teacher Jodie Bray. Their organization process   rewarding aspects of this event was meeting a
                                                                                included: searching for a venue; communicat-  group of positive, strong, and amazing women.
                                                                                ing and coordinating with event speakers and   “We would love to give our gratitude to
                                                                                volunteers;  reaching  out  to  local  companies   all  of  our  amazing  speakers,”  said  Eastling,
                                                                                for sponsorship and food donations; attending   Goodman, Sutton, and Tschida. ”It was a gift
                                                                                other STEM nights throughout the district; and   meeting  them  all  and  we  are  so  grateful  for
                                                                                advertising for the event.         their time spent dedicated to our event, goals,
                                                                                   One  of  their  biggest  takeaways  from   and vision.”
        Lakeville Area Schools              around  to  stations  hosted  by  women  from   organizing  and  hosting  this  event  was  how
            In January, Lakeville Area Schools 8th-  underrepresented fields. At  each station,  stu-  important it is to keep moving forward despite
        12th grade female students attended ‘Breaking   dents learned about a different career field and   setbacks.
        Barriers: EmpowHERing Futures’— a career   participated in an activity related to that field.  “Planning this event taught us the impor-
        event organized by a group of Lakeville South   Lakeville  South  seniors  Halle  Eastling,   tance of working through failures and how to
        High  School  seniors.  The  main  idea  behind   Anna  Goodman,  Ashley  Sutton,  and  Tori   keep moving forward when things don’t go as
        the  event  was  to  inspire  the  next  generation   Tschida put this event together for their STEM   planned,” said Sutton. “We had problems such
        of girls to explore job opportunities in fields   senior  capstone  project.  Their  event  was   as  communication  failures,  venue  changes,
        where women are the minority.       inspired by the ‘Grit to Great’ career exposure   and  time  constraints,  but  we  kept  moving
            Throughout  the  event,  students  traveled   event  that  was  hosted  at Apple  Valley  High   forward and worked out conflicts that arose.”
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