Page 14 - TTMNSummer2024
P. 14

Page 14                                                                                                Electronic Edition:
                                    COLLEGE OF SCIENCE                                    Degree Options

                                    AND ENGINEERING                                       `  Undergraduate Programs

                                    ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY                               t   $POTUSVDUJPO .BOBHFNFOU

                                    UNLEASHTOMORROW                                               An applied construction f eld
                                                                                               that provides knowledge and
                                                                                               skills to manage construction
                                    with degrees and                                           of residential and commercial
                                    certificates on campus                                     UNLEASHTOMORROW

                                    and online:                                              t  5FDIOPMPHZ &EVDBUJPO
                                                                                              with degrees and
                                                                                                  Learn how to inspire in your
                                                                                               own students’ understanding of
                                                                                               the interconnectivity of science,
                                    Educational Administration & Leadership                   certificates on campus
                                                                                               technology, society and the
                                                                                               environment. The program leads
                                    Curriculum & Instruction                                  and online:
                                                                                               to a 5–12 teaching license.
                                    STEM Education
                                                                                             t   .BOVGBDUVSJOH
                                    Teaching Calculus                                          &OHJOFFSJOH 5FDIOPMPHZ
                                                                                              Educational Administration & Leadership
                                                                                                  An applied algebra-based
                                    English Education                                          engineering f eld that looks for
                                                                                               better ways to manufacture
                                    Special Education                                         Curriculum & Instruction
                                                                                               products. This includes reducing
                                                                                               cycle times, maintaining quality,
                                    Teaching English as a Second Language
                                                                                              STEM Education
                                                                                               increasing safety, and keeping
                                                                                               costs reasonable.
                                                                                                 (Scan the QR codes to learn more about each program)
                                                                                              Teaching Calculus
                                                                                          `  Graduate Programs
                                                                                              English Education
                                                                                            t  5FDIOPMPHZ &EVDBUJPO .BTUFS T %FHSFF

                                                                                            t   $BSFFS BOE 5FDIOJDBM &EVDBUJPO  $5&
                                                                                              Special Education
            Outreach Activities:                                                               (SBEVBUF $FSUJöDBUF
                                                                                              Teaching English as a Second Language
              Partnering with over 60 schools and businesses to serve over                  t   8PSL #BTFE -FBSOJOH  8#-  (SBEVBUF
              10,000 K–12 students per year.                                                   $FSUJöDBUF

            `    %&&% (SBOU GPS 3PCPUJDT         `   "NFSJDB T $VUUJOH &EHF                     Contact: Chuck Hentges — Department Chair
              5FBNT BOE 45&. *OUFSOTIJQ             "$&  $/$ 5SBJOJOH                                E-mail:
              Programs                             t   CNC training to Minnesota for                       Phone: (320) 308-2118
            `    )VTLJFT *OWFOU —                    high school students, teachers                 Learn more about Environmental and
              A non-stop weekend “invent-            and industry employees.                 Technological Studies at St. Cloud State University at:
              a-thon” for collaboration with       t   1SPHSBN JODMVEFT NPCJMF )""4
              businesses and students.               mills and Forest Scientif c mills.  
            `    )VTLZ .BLF *U 4QBDF —             t   5SBJOJOH  FRVJQNFOU BOE
              Bring ideas to life, from design       supplies available at no cost.
              to the creation of visual models/
              functional prototypes.

            St. Cloud State University is committed to legal af  rmative action, equal opportunity, access and diversity of its campus community. (
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